Blue Hero Rope Game

Blue Hero Rope Game

투표, 3.8/5
개발자: 최신 버전: 업데이트 날짜:
Zego Global Publishing. 06/11/2023
Play Blue Hero Rope Game and enjoy the first-rate, smooth animations as heroes swing freely through the gangster city like never before.
Blue Hero rope game main features:
- Blue Hero Rope Game saves the grand city from car snatchers, mafia gangsters, terrorists.
- Mafia gangster city in detailed environments with different views.
- City rope adventure in a gangster city
- Blue Hero jumps high to cover the larger distances.
- The Blue Hero rope game helps you unlock more hero suits to play.
In Blue Hero Rope Game, you'll battle against gangster crime, demonstrating flying hero abilities in high-risk encounters.

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Game action

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Blue Hero Rope Game

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