Bachelors Tiffun

डाउनलोड APK Bachelors Tiffun नवीनतम संस्करण

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Uploaded by: नवीनतम संस्करण: प्रकाशन तिथि:
Bachelors Tiffun. 1.0.20 29/05/2023
Bachelor's Tiffin is an online food delivery service which provides customized meals and snacks to your doorstep. We deliver fresh, healthy, delicious meals made from scratch using only the finest ingredients. Our menu includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, drinks, desserts, cakes, and more!
• Freshly prepared meals delivered right to your door.
• Customized meals and snacks available.
• Order as many or few meals as you like.
• Choose from our wide variety of meals and snacks.
• Easy ordering process.

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Food & drink

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Bachelors Tiffun

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